Monday, September 28, 2020 at

Sparta Rotterdam sent Mohamed Rayhi home on Monday morning. The 26-year-old attacker had a meeting today with trainer Henk Fraser, who did not think it wise for his pupil to join the training. Rayhi is looking for a transfer to Al-Batin from Saudi Arabia and is extremely disappointed that in his eyes Sparta is not cooperating sufficiently with a deal.

“It is true that we said to Mohamed that he should go home”, technical director Henk van Stee confirms in conversation with the Algemeen Dagblad. “He was too emotional after the conversation with Henk Fraser. We therefore thought it good that he would not train with the selection.”

Rayhi has indicated that he absolutely wants to leave for Al-Batin. However, that club refuses for the time being to pay the amount stated in the attacker’s contract. “It’s very simple. If Al-Batin pays that amount and they assure us of a bank guarantee, then Mohamed can go. But we will not let him leave until everything is properly arranged. That seems very reasonable on our part. Mo has with us. his full mind signed a contract with us “, says Van Stee.

Fraser stated on Monday morning during the conversation with Rayhi that he is an important player and that he has to obey the rules as long as he plays at the club. Rayhi, however, indicated that he wants to leave immediately and wants to force a transfer, the newspaper said. Sparta, however, demands that he report back to Het Kasteel tomorrow. “Sparta is his employer. We assume that he will be back tomorrow,” said Van Stee.

Rayhi was talking to on Saturday FOX Sports clear about his departure wish. “People don’t go to Saudi Arabia to watch the oil industry, or to make a step to the Champions League afterwards. Saudi Arabia is simply wonderfully financially attractive for every player, every player does it for. says he’s not doing it for that, he’s lying. Saudi Arabia isn’t known for taking it a step further, it’s just purely for the money, and to secure my future financially. That’s the only reason why I’m just very honest about that. “