Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 10:23• Wessel Antes • Last update: 10:27

Maarten Wijffels wonders whether Feyenoord’s first goal against Celtic (2-0) should have counted. The journalist of it Algemeen Dagblad analyzes Calvin Stengs’ free kick extensively and wonders: “this was a clever trick? Or at least from a stolen goal?” Wijffels states that Feyenoord players Dávid Hancko and Mats Wieffer obstruct the view of Celtic goalkeeper Joe Hart by standing in the wall, something that has been allowed more since 2019.

The journalist has watched the images of Stengs’ goal many times. “On Tuesday evening, just before half time, the Kuip turned into a construction site for a while,” said Wijffels. “Calvin Stengs was ready for a free kick, at Celtic they were already building a wall. And two Feyenoord players also looked for their place in it. That is to say: Mats Wieffer wanted to stand right next to the Scottish Wall, David Hancko shortly before it. The plan: obstruct the view for goalkeeper Joe Hart and give Stengs more space for his shot.”

Stengs’ free kick in the picture.

Stengs eventually shot the ball behind Hart with a treacherous bounce. According to Wijffels, Hancko had influence on the goalkeeper’s actions. “Stengs drove the ball exactly through the hole that Hancko made in the wall by diving away at the last moment. But the question that remains: this was a clever trick? Or from a stolen goal?” Wijffels explains the situation further, as things have changed in recent years.

“At FIFA and UEFA they wanted to get rid of all the pushing, pulling and pinching between players, in short: the hassle. So the rule of the game was changed in 2019,” says Wijffels. “Putting your own players in and next to a wall is no longer allowed. You must leave at least one meter between them.” The journalist calls Hancko’s way of positioning an ‘edge case’. “It is possible that the European association will soon use this free kick to further remind referees of the rules. The ducking Hancko and a man in the wall make contact.” Wijffels ends the discussion with a simple conclusion. “It obviously doesn’t matter anymore for Feyenoord. This goal stands forever.”


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