Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at

ADVERTORIAL – Benny Silberbaum has come up with an extreme plan to give Ajax the striker the club has been looking for for so long. As a Eurojackpot spending expert, the So many Money Man sees possibilities to put an end to the discussion about the meager occupation at the point of the attack among the Amsterdammers. The So Much Money Man is committed to the arrival of young talents, who, under the guidance of him and a number of talented trainers, are being prepared for professional football. “You can win 0-13, but with a little talent in that team it will be 0-30. What will my first act be? I can’t say too much about it, but just assume that a number of greats will come to Amsterdam. ”

The So Much Money Man has already received approval from Ajax for his plans and is now throwing out his lines. After much insistence, the So Much Money Man tells about the arrival of Messi. “I made him a proposal that cannot be refused. He will stop playing football after this season and will become my first striker coach, with the emphasis on ‘first’ because there are more to come. Do you think Van Basten left FIFA on his own? Haha, really not. I bought him out of there. That cost me a few bucks, but the sun rises for nothing. He will be my hold-up trainer for three days a week. My dream striker has to be crafty too, so I also hire James Bond actor Daniel Craig. With his sense of drama and theater, he is the ideal man as a schwalbe trainer. Speaking of cunning: Luis Suárez hires part-time. He will combine his work at Atlético Madrid with ten hours of training a week at De Toekomst. A logistics nightmare? No, I will provide a private jet and pilot so that he can commute up and down. ”

With Messi, Van Basten, Craig and Suárez, Silberbaum’s dream team is not yet complete. “René van der Gijp sent an app, he hates those boring interviews. He takes those boys under his wing and makes sure they are nice and loose. Giving a bit of jeu to such a press conference, laugh right! Discussions are also ongoing with Usain Bolt. You will think: What do we do with a runner? But I want him to teach our future striker a few things about explosiveness. That comes with a bit of jumping power, so I plan to bring Michael Jordan to Ajax. ”

The So Much Money Man also wants to give the youth advice outside the lines. That is why he is going to advise the talents in how to spend money and the salaries are going up hard. “You can’t get there in this world with just good football. You have to be a real pro at spending, like me. That is why it is better to start at a young age. For example, in the youth we will work with premiums. For the strikers, for example, the Balkenende norm is set as a goal premium. The intention is that the money earned will be spent again the same weekend. That money has to roll, fun for those kids! I have seen results in the youth of 32-0, so that is really fun. ”

If you win tens of millions at Eurojackpot, you can invest in your favorite football team, for example! Check out more spending tips from the Soo Much Money Man here.

This article was created in collaboration with Eurojackpot.
Note: play consciously, 18+