Monday, December 13, 2021 at 09:12• Chris Meijer • Last update: 09:20

Eran Zahavi is considering leaving PSV now that he has been broken into again, reports one. According to the Israeli medium, the 34-year-old striker and his wife Shai are in shock after the second burglary in a short time. Zahavi’s family was already involved in an armed robbery in May, when he was not at home himself.

At the time, his family was tied up and threatened with a firearm. The robbers beat Zahavi’s wife and allegedly cut off part of her hair. As far as is known, the suspects of that burglary have not yet been arrested. After that brutal robbery, there was also speculation about Zahavi’s future at PSV. “I made a decision with my family that we thought would be good for us. We decided to stay,” Zahavi said in September.

However, it is now reported that ‘all options are on the table’, including a departure from PSV. Zahavi has been playing in Eindhoven since the summer of 2020 and has a contract until the end of this season. However, the second burglary in a short time would have left deep marks on Zahavi and his family, despite nobody being home this time. Zahavi is recovering in Dubai from the knee injury he sustained during international matches with Israel in November.

one writes that the burglars ‘completely dismantled’ Zahavi’s house and caused a lot of damage. Based on the reporting of RTL Boulevard It was not clear on Sunday evening whether anything had been stolen in the burglary. Police are looking for two suspects. One was wearing a gray tracksuit with a black hood, according to police; the other a light jacket and dark trousers. They had two trolleys with them. “We are fully engaged in the investigation. We are taking this very seriously and hope to identify the suspects soon,” a police spokesman said.


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