Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 8:04 AM• Daniel Cabot Kerkdijk

On Saturday evening, FC Utrecht booked a controversial victory in the away game against RKC Waalwijk in extra time: 1-2. The Domstedelingen received a debatable penalty kick that was shot in by Sander van der Streek in minute 97. After minimal contact between Ahmed Touba and Gyrano Kerk, referee Sander van der Eijk pointed to the spot. After long deliberation, the VAR decided not to intervene.

Richard van der Venne wanted to see the penalty moment afterwards ESPN. “I’ve heard from several people that it wasn’t a penalty, so I’m curious,” the midfielder explained. Then he could not believe his eyes. “Seriously dude, that’s not a penalty, is it? Young, young, scandalous man. And then he won’t even look? I really don’t understand anything about that. ”

“It’s outrageous, I really don’t have the words for it”, Van der Venne grumbled. “You could say it’s smart, but if you’re not even going to have a look… I don’t know what the VAR says, but I think it’s scandalous. We just get screwed. ” Fred Grim had little understanding for the penalty kick. “FC Utrecht was better in the first half, but after the break we make a well-deserved 1-1. In the end, that had also been a justified result. But what happens in the 94th minute, well, let’s not say too much about that ”, the RKC coach sighed.

Afterwards, Van der Eijk’s mea culpa followed. The arbitrator on duty in Waalwijk admitted that he himself had not seen anything on the field. “The assistant referee advised very clearly: Penalty, penalty. The player is hooked on the heel. I trust my team one hundred percent, but the check took a long time and then you know it’s going to be exciting. Then we have to wait, but the penalty kick was confirmed. ”

The question is why Van der Eijk did not ask for a so-called review. “Maybe I should have. I am ultimately responsible. I just saw the footage and I don’t think it’s a penalty. It is not possible to see whether there is contact and if there is already contact, the question is whether it is a violation at all. I actually wanted to have a look here myself. I would rather not have given a penalty. ”

With the victory, FC Utrecht rose to seventh place and remains on schedule for a place in the play-offs for European football. RKC, which has not lost the last five games, is fourteenth.