Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 3:50 PM• Rian Rosendaal

Juventus must say goodbye to Cristiano Ronaldo as soon as possible, according to Massimo Mauro. The Italian politician, associated with several seasons as a player in the 1980s La Vecchia Signora, believes that the 36-year-old Portuguese absolutely does not behave as a team player in Turin. Mauro also believes that Ronaldo has absolutely no leadership qualities, although the attacker seems to have that image.

“Ronaldo has not been a real leader at any club and he never will be”, Mauro stated in clear words in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport. “Ronaldo is just like a company and his turnover is more important to him than the success of the team. Cristiano does not take his teammates in tow, he always wants them to give him the ball so he can score the goals. Ronaldo is one. great individualist, but not a real team player. ” In the view of the former player, Juventus has not exactly improved since the arrival of the star player from Portugal in 2018.

“If you look at the results, Juventus is not doing any better with Ronaldo in the ranks than in the past,” Mauro continues his analysis of his former employer. “In fact, they have even fared worse in the Champions League. It is therefore best for both sides to part after this season.” Ronaldo has an ongoing commitment to the number three in Serie A until the summer of 2022, but rumors of a premature departure from Juventus are growing louder in Italy.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport Ronaldo has been walking around with his soul under his arm at Juventus for some time. The eye-catcher of the top club would love to see the club attract top players this summer. He would even demand guarantees from the board about next season. However, because of the corona crisis and the additional financial consequences, the Juventus leadership cannot make any promises, it sounds. In Italian football circles it is therefore not ruled out that Ronaldo is in his third and last season as a contract player for Juventus.

The aforementioned newspaper released an example of Ronaldo’s alleged dissatisfaction on Monday. After the home game with Genoa (3-1) on Sunday, Ronaldo angrily walked towards the dressing room of Juventus, where he would have banged his hands against the wall. The star player immediately took a shower and the routine would have left the stadium of the great power from Turin without saying a word. He was reportedly very unhappy with Giorgio Chiellini and Federico Chiesa, among others, due to some bad passes in his direction. In addition, an altercation with goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny was mentioned during the encounter with Genoa. Before he entered the players’ tunnel, Ronaldo threw his shirt on the ground and according to various Italian media that was a gesture of anger. However, it now appears to be a gift for one of the ball boys in the Allianz Stadium.


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