Friday, April 2, 2021 at 11:32 PM• Last update: 23:33

Kylian Mbappé has reached the top thanks to his arrogance, the 22-year-old striker tells the French RMC Sport. The Paris Saint-Germain goalgetter reveals, among other things, that he says to himself before matches that he is better than Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi to become extra motivated. “You have to convince yourself that you are capable of moving mountains,” said Mbappé.

When asked about the importance of arrogance, the French superstar is clear. “The ego? Of course that’s important, because if you’re in trouble, no one will give you a helping hand. People don’t understand having an ego. But if you’re not doing well, no one will come to your house to tell you that you can do something. You are on your own and only your own way of thinking helps you. You have to convince yourself that you are capable of doing great things, ”says Mbappé.

The current Ligue 1 top scorer, with 20 goals in 25 appearances, also reveals looking at other top players and points out that he regularly competes with Messi and Ronaldo. “Every time I go on a field I tell myself that I am the best, and I have also been on the field with Messi and Ronaldo. They are better players than me and they have done a billion more things than me. But in my head I always tell myself that I am the best, because that way you do not limit the possibilities and try to give everything. ”

Mbappé believes that there is a taboo on arrogance, and does not think that is justified. “Having an ego is not about having more pay than an opponent. It is mainly about preparation (for a competition, ed.). It’s something personal and it’s a way to outdo myself. An ego goes much further than just superficially moi, moi to say.”

After Saturday’s squatter in Ligue 1 against Lille OSC, the star player of PSG will play with his team against Bayern Munich on Wednesday. In the first game of the quarter finals of the Champions League, the French formation will be looking for revenge after the lost final of last season. Mbappé has had an excellent year in Europe so far, as he has already hit six goals in seven games.


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