Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 07:30• Tom Rofekamp • Last update: 07:34

Roger Schmidt is thinking about taking Mauro Júnior to Benfica, both report Eindhovens Dagblad if Football International† The German head coach has already put a large number of PSV players on the list of possible acquisitions for his new club, which already consisted of Mario Götze and Érick Gutiérrez. However, the arrival of Mauro seems to have a lot more feet in the earth, given the long-term contract of the full-back.

Mauro worked with Schmidt in Eindhoven for two seasons, the first of which was mainly from his original position of attacking midfielder. This season, the 23-year-old Brazilian was turned back, which marked his definitive breakthrough. Mauro was at the starting signal in Eindhoven in 25 competition matches and played for 90 minutes during the won cup final against Ajax (2-1). However, the seasonal surprise is still fixed in the Philips Stadium until mid-2025, which makes his exit a costly operation.

The contract situation of both Götze and Gutiérrez seems to be less complicated. The German can be picked up for a modest three to four million euros, while the latter also only has a one-year contract. In addition to Benfica, many clubs are interested in Gutiérrez in particular. PSV, in turn, is doing everything it can to keep Götze for the club, but knows that it will be a difficult operation.

The Portuguese A Bola wrote on Monday that Benfica would like to tempt Götze into a switch by promising him jersey number 10. Also would o Glorioso are willing to meet his commutation fee for the German world champion. The sports newspaper reported at the beginning of May that the arrival of Ibrahim Sangaré would also be of great importance to Schmidt. In this, however, the German enjoys considerable competition: according to the Eindhovens Dagblad the Ivorian is closely followed by Newcastle United and Leicester City, among others.


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