Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 4:56 pm• Mart Oude Nijeweeme • Last update: 17:04

Ajax Under 18 booked its second victory in the Youth League on Tuesday afternoon. The team of coach Frank Peereboom was 5-1 too strong for Napoli at De Toekomst due to goals from Gabriel Misehouy, Jeppe Kjaer, Stanis Idumbo-Muzambo (twice) and Jaydon Banel. Leonardo Rossi did something in return on behalf of the visitors, while Ajax goalkeeper Sten Kremers saw red. The team from Amsterdam took revenge with the victory of the 4-0 defeat against Liverpool three weeks ago and are now on six points from three games.

Peereboom started with Mateja Milovanovic, Olivier Aertssen and Gabriel Misehouy, among others. The home team started the game strongly and ensured the dominance in the initial phase. After eight minutes of play, the home team opened the score via Misehouy. The attacking midfielder was released in the box and completed after preparatory work by Jorrel Hato. Five minutes after the opening goal, Ajax scored again. This time the assist came from the foot of Idumbo-Muzambo, after which it was a breeze for Kjaer to finish at the far post.

Ajax was the much better team in the first half and failed to expand the margin before the break. Idumbo-Muzambo saw his attempt go over the goal after more than fifteen minutes, while Misehouy was also unhappy in the completion. The first danger of the visitors came after half an hour of play from the foot of Alessandro Spavone. The midfielder saw his shot blocked. It turned out to be only a postponement for Ajax, as the visitors were accurate not much later. Goalkeeper Kremers pulled the emergency brake, got a red card and saw Napoli use the penalty kick: 2-1.

The Italians could not enjoy the connection goal for a long time. Before the break, Idumbo-Muzambo raised the margin to two again. On a pass from Misehouy, he beautifully found the top right corner. After the break, Napoli tried with one more man, but Ajax’s talents fought back bravely. Fifteen minutes before the end, Peereboom’s team even managed to produce a fourth goal. Again Idumbo-Muzambo was found and again it was hit with a diagonal shot. An unfortunate landing immediately made it the last feat of arms for the outstanding player. Banel took care of the final chord from the dot: 5-1.

Basic setup Ajax U18: Kremers; Hato, Milovanovic, Aertssen, Jermoumi; Vos, Misehouy, Agougil; Idumbo-Muzambo, Banel, Kjaer