Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 13:54• Daniel Cabot Kerkdijk • Last update: 13:56

The Outbreak Management Team (OMT) considers it justifiable to fully reopen all parts of society. There will be a closing time of 8 p.m., but the sports or culture sector may, for example, be allowed to remain open longer, sources from The Hague reported on Saturday. NRC and RTL News. The public will reportedly be allowed again at sports competitions and events can continue again.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Mark Rutte already announced that opening the gates of the football stadiums is being looked into if there is room to relax in the short term. The stadiums in the Netherlands have been closed since 12 November. The ban on the public may end on January 25, if the lockdown is further relaxed.

Interested parties will have to be able to hand over a corona ticket, while the OMT also advocates a maximum capacity. According to NRC the government intends to follow the advice of the experts. The cabinet and RIVM experts will discuss the OMT advice on Monday at the Catshuis in The Hague. Any new corona measures will then be announced on Tuesday evening at a press conference by Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Health Minister Ernst Kuipers.

The fact that there was no room for relaxation during the previous press conference was a major disappointment at all clubs in the Eredivisie and Keuken Kampioen Division. They recently announced that the stadiums will open demonstratively during the first round in February, with or without government permission.

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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