Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 2:07 PM• Tom Rofekamp • Last update: 14:12

The Premier League has said in an official statement that Roman Abramovich has been officially ‘disqualified’ as owner of Chelsea. The top English league takes the decision following the British government, which froze all of the Russian’s assets in the United Kingdom last Thursday. Despite the verdict of the Premier League, Chelsea can still play ‘normal’ matches.

“Following sanctions imposed by the British government, the board has decided to disqualify Roman Abramovich as owner of Chelsea,” the Premier League wrote on its official channels on Saturday. “The board’s decision will not affect practice and play as set forth in a government license expiring May 31, 2022.”

The said license also stipulates that no players can be bought or sold, while it is also not possible to hand out new contracts. In addition, Chelsea can no longer sell individual tickets – possibly also to away fans – and the fan shop has to close, since no new turnover is allowed. The Daily Telegraph Chelsea also wrote that Chelsea should not spend more than 20,000 pounds – converted 24,000 euros – on the trip to an away game. It promises major problems for the away game against Lille OSC, which is scheduled for next Wednesday.

“Our priority is to stop those who have maintained Putin’s regime,” Nadine Dorries, UK Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, wrote on Twitter in response to Britain’s sanctions list, which included Abramovich placed the necessary other influential oligarchs on it. Their belongings are frozen and they can no longer travel to the UK. “The sanctions clearly have a direct impact on Chelsea and its fans. We are working hard not to unnecessarily hit the club with these important sanctions.”

Abramovich actually wanted to sell Chelsea before such measures were taken. The Russian owner of the Blues announced last week that he intended to sell the club. “The sale of the club will not be accelerated, but the proper process will be followed,” Abramovich wrote in an open letter on Chelsea’s website. “I will not ask for loan repayments.”

“For me, this was never about business or money, but about pure passion for football and Chelsea. In addition, I have instructed my team to establish a charitable foundation to which all net proceeds from the sale will be donated. The foundation is committed to all victims of the war in Ukraine,” said Abramovich. Chelsea can now only change hands if another special license is issued and in that case no money can go to Abramovich either directly or indirectly.

The British government calls Abramovich a “pro-Kremlin oligarch” in the motivation for the sanctions and states that he had a close relationship with Vladimir Putin for many years. This would have given Chelsea’s owner ‘financial or other material advantage’. It is also stated that Abramovich has “effective control” of Evraz PLC, a steel and mining company. According to the British government, Evraz would supply steel with which the Russian army is supplied with equipment.