Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 2:41 PM• Jan Hoeksema

Police in Italy have stopped an action by Internazionale fans, it has been reported The newspapaer. Curva Nord Milano, the club’s fanatical supporter, planned to hand out 30,000 whistles prior to the home match against AS Roma, the team where former Inter striker Romelu Lukaku is now active.

The intention of the Milanese supporters was to have as many people as possible whistle at the Belgian when the two teams faced off against each other on Sunday. Lukaku would be treated to a flute concert with every ball contact. “Romelu will receive the welcome he deserves,” wrote Curva Nord Milano.

So it won’t come to that. Italian police have decided to ban whistles at the San Siro on Sunday. According to Italian media, that decision was made after Roma filed a complaint about the action.

To prevent the whistles from entering the stadium, the police will carry out stricter checks prior to the match. Any whistle that is found will be taken away, which leads to dissatisfaction among the Inter supporters.

“Another major abuse,” Curva Nord Milano wrote on Instagram. “The whistles are banned. Two years ago, 10,000 whistles were allowed in Florence. Apparently the law is not the same for everyone.”

By this, the supporters are referring to a match between Fiorentina and Juventus in 2022, where Dusan Vlahovic was loudly whistled by the home team’s supporters. The Serb had not long before moved from Fiorentina to Juve made.

Lukaku has been persona non grata at Inter since last summer. The Nerazzurri loaned him from Chelsea last season and were hoping for the attacker to stay longer. However, Lukaku also spoke to Juventus club management, while his loan period in Milan was not yet over. The Belgian is not appreciated for that.