Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 3:04 PM• Rian Rosendaal

During Cristiano Ronaldo’s return to Manchester United on Saturday against Newcastle United (4-1) a plane flew over Old Trafford to deliver a message. A banner read ‘#Believe Kathryn Mayorga’. It is a statement of support from the organization Level Up, which fights for equality between men and women. The American ex-model is demanding 65 million euros from Ronaldo over an alleged rape case from 2009.

“I believe Kathryn Mayorga when she says Cristiano Ronaldo raped her in 2009. I think Ronaldo should be held accountable. I believe in solidarity, not silence. It’s time for football to face the ugly reality of rape “, as can be read in a statement on the Level Up website. “One of football’s most famous stars has been accused of rape, but there has been almost universal silence about it.” The incident took place in 2009, when Ronaldo was vacationing in Las Vegas with his brother-in-law and cousin. The attacker, who returned to Manchester, 24 years old at the time, actually met Mayorga, according to several photos that were taken.

Ronaldo, however, has always denied having anything to do with a possible rape case. He did pay Mayorga, who he met at an exclusive VIP party, converted more than 300,000 euros to settle the case. Part of the deal was that the American woman would remain silent about the meeting in Las Vegas for the rest of her life. However, after the many #MeToo scandals, Mayorga was forced to give an extensive interview about Romaldo in 2018. The local police launched an investigation, although the Portuguese star player was acquitted a year later.

Level Up wants to prevent the whole affair from being covered up at all costs. Ronaldo has reportedly signed documents admitting his experiences that night, including the quotes ‘she said no and stopped several times’. Yet this detail has been ignored during the fawning celebration of Ronaldo’s return to Manchester United. We can’t. Keep quiet about the story of a woman being raped. This must remain on the agenda, even for football superstars. We must stand behind Kathryn Mayorga. Together we can let Ronaldo, football clubs and fans around the world know that rape cannot be kicked off the field, and survivors will not be ignored. Are you in?” the organization asks its followers.