Friday, September 25, 2020 at

A rejected goal by Vaclav Cerny during the match between FC Twente and FC Groningen has caused quite a stir. The Czech attacker seemed to give the Tukkers the lead after fifteen minutes of play, but after much deliberation, the video referee decided to reject the goal. Arnold Bruggink, Kees Kwakman and Kenneth Perez let us know via Twitter that they do not understand anything about this decision.

With thirteen minutes on the clock, Cerny already seemed to score the opening goal, but the linesman rejected the goal due to offside. Referee Sander van der Eijk took over the flag signal from his assistant, but was then told that video referee Allard Lindhout would still look at the goal. It looked a lot like that Cerny was on par with FC Groningen defender Ko Itakura, which made it seem that the goal would still be approved.

It then took minutes for Lindhout to make a decision, but in the end he decided to put a final line through the goal. The decision and the course of events lead to the necessary criticism on social media, also from the analysts of FOX Sports. “I think goal”, Perez writes with a photo of the still image. The Danish former midfielder is present as an analyst at the game between FC Twente and FC Groningen.

“How then ???”, Bruggink wonders when the arbitration finally puts a line through Cerny’s goal. “The lines still had to be drawn and moved. What is this all about! ”Is the comment of a surprised Kwakman. Pierre van Hooijdonk also expresses his surprise via Twitter. “????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, writes the former striker with the hashtag VAR and an emoji of a clown. Shortly afterwards, Cerny shot FC Twente still ahead and Danilo doubled the margin to 2-0 before half time.


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