Saturday, June 17, 2023 at 00:10• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 00:16

Ricardo Pepi really wants to go to PSV, Rik Elfrink knows Eindhovens Dagblad to report. The people of Eindhoven have not yet settled with FC Augsburg, which requires an amount of approximately eight million euros. On top of that comes a resale percentage, which in any case consists of two figures.

Rumors about a sell-through percentage of 25 refer Elfrink to the realm of fables. “Sources around the negotiation do not recognize that percentage,” said the club watcher. “It would be a double-digit percentage.” Elfrink is not convinced that PSV will also put the amount requested by Augsburg for Pepi on the table, although he considers the transfer ‘manageable’ for the Eindhoven club.

Pepi himself would have indicated that he would love to work at PSV. The American striker, who came on Wednesday night and scored against Mexico (3-0 win), hopes that his transfer will be completed before July 3. That way he wouldn’t miss any of the preparation. Pepi scored 13 goals and 3 assists in 31 official appearances for FC Groningen last season, which rented the striker from FC Augsburg. Pepi is leading on five goals in thirteen international matches Team USA.

Feyenoord is also interested, confirmed general manager Dennis te Kloese recently, but the Rotterdammers do not seem to want to go too far in the negotiations at the moment. “Pepi is an interesting player,” Te Kloese said General Journal. “But Augsburg once deposited more than 16 million euros for him. They want to see a lot of that money back in the event of a sale. We cannot and do not want to pay such amounts.