Monday, October 18, 2021 at 08:05• Yanick Vos • Last update: 08:23

From now on, the Gelderland derby must be completed without any away supporters, according to the conclusion of Arno Vermeulen, NEC director Wilco van Schaik, Valentijn Driessen and Hugo Borst. They express their horror in the media about the disturbances around NEC – Vitesse on Sunday. According to Borst and Driessen, if no action is taken now, we will have to wait until people die.

Vermeulen adjusted Sunday evening Studio Football that it must be decided that away fans are no longer welcome at the derby between NEC and Vitesse. Van Schaik shares that opinion. “That is the only conclusion you can draw if you let it get out of hand like that. It’s a shame that we have to play football like this in the Netherlands. This is not supposed to. Then the good guys have to suffer again from the bad,” he said. the NEC director The Gelderland derby caused a series of low points: supporters riots before and after the game, hurtful chants, full beer glasses that were thrown on the field and the collapse of a grandstand.

Seriously injured after a fight with axes between fans NEC and Vitesse

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, an eighteen-year-old man from Lent was seriously injured after a fight with axes.Read article

Driessen sees things go wrong more and more around provincial derbies. He points in his column for The Telegraph to the IJsselderby on September 19, when supporters of Go Ahead Eagles and PEC Zwolle caused disturbances. The match was then temporarily suspended twice. “A ban on fans of the visiting club should be step one,” said the newspaper’s chief of football. “The IJsselderby and Gelderland derby are now so hyped and cultivated that supporters from the hard cores cross all kinds of boundaries in the run-up to and during the match. Players, trainers and administrators do little or nothing to quell the increasing aggression or to condemn the heated atmosphere. Journalism also has a role to play. There should be no room for inflammatory and inciting articles fed by anonymous sources. In the meantime, the violence is so rampant that it is only a matter of time before there is more to regret than a seriously injured person.”

According to Driessen, it is up to the mayors of the cities involved to draw a line. According to him, banning away supporters from this type of derbies will meet with resistance. “But the measure is full,” he writes on Monday. Away fans have not been welcome at the meetings between Ajax and Feyenoord for years. “Let Go Ahead Eagles, PEC Zwolle, NEC and Vitesse quickly follow suit. Perhaps the public at other derbies deterred from misbehaving. Otherwise it’s just waiting for the dead. And as for the annoying beer-throwing? Nets for grandstand sections are fine, as Feyenoord’s experience shows in European duels. It is time to intervene instead of tolerating everything.”

Borst writes in his column for the General Newspaper about a ‘horror weekend’. “Fortunately, there were no deaths in De Goffert when the grandstand collapsed, but that seems to have been more luck than wisdom. The life-threatening fights before and after NEC – Vitesse give us food for thought. What a blistering aggression. I would be surprised if the mayors of Nijmegen and Arnhem still allow away supporters at the next derbies”, says the columnist.