Friday, November 26, 2021 at 7:59 PM• Jeroen van Poppel

As usual, the KNVB has released a statement about the stricter corona measures that have been announced. The football association calls it ‘strange’ that sport is labeled as ‘non-essential’ by the outgoing cabinet. Because amateur athletes are no longer allowed to train after 5 p.m., the KNVB is considering stopping football completely.

To this end, the Interest Organization Amateur Football Associations also calls on Friday evening in The Telegraph. “It’s sad,” said Ben van Olffen, president of the organization. “But no more training does not mean more football. There is no other way. We have to stop the competition for the time being.” The KNVB will map out all scenarios per category (the A category and the pupils, juniors and seniors in the B category) and will make a decision next week.

“We find it strange that the sport is labeled with the term ‘non-essential’,” said the Dutch Football Association. “Sport stimulates health and resistance, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and psychological problems. In our opinion, sport is ‘essential’, both during the pandemic and for future public health. We have put these arguments into ‘The Hague’ was announced, but unfortunately it was decided differently.”

In any case, the amateur competitions can continue next weekend. “The new measures will have hardly any consequences for the coming weekend. This is very drastic for the training sessions after the weekend. If it is not possible to train outside from 5 p.m., in the fresh air and possibly with the changing rooms locked, then you can This also has consequences for the rest of the competitions, because sooner or later playing matches at the weekend is no longer responsible if it is not possible to train for this.”