Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 09:28• Daniel Cabot Kerkdijk • Last update: 09:31

The caretaker cabinet is partly withdrawing the plan to introduce the corona pass in amateur sport. Athletes and spectators at outdoor sports will not receive a mandatory check of the corona admission ticket if they stay outside. That is what outgoing Prime Minister Rutte said in the parliamentary debate about corona. The plan came under fierce criticism from the House of Representatives and from, among others, the sports sector.

It means that at outdoor sports locations, athletes and spectators are not required to be checked for the QR code. However, the advice applies to the public to keep a distance of 1.5 meters. When athletes or spectators go to the changing room, toilet or canteen, they must be checked. The mandatory check of the corona admission ticket also applies to the terrace at the sports club or sports complex, just like in the regular catering industry.

“With this outcome, a truly impossible situation has been averted for nearly 3,000 football clubs, 600,000 adult amateur football players and thousands of volunteers. The earlier plan was practically not feasible,” the KNVB said in a statement. “The current solution still requires a lot of adaptability, but outside sports will in any case remain accessible to everyone. That is good news, as sports have a positive influence on health and therefore also health care. The corona ticket should therefore not apply to sports participation.”

Rutte and outgoing minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health) announced two days ago that all amateur athletes and spectators over the age of eighteen must show a corona ticket from Saturday. There was a lot of criticism from the sports world, especially because enforcement can become a problem. The House of Representatives was also critical during the debate on Wednesday evening: a large majority sees nothing in the measure for outdoor athletes. Rutte then decided to accommodate the House of Representatives and to make the corona pass only mandatory for indoor sports.


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