Friday, September 25, 2020 at

FC Groningen went to visit FC Twente on Friday evening 3-1. The deficit of the team of trainer Danny Buijs in De Grolsch Veste was caused by their own actions in the first half, because the first two hits by the home team of Václav Cerny and Danilo Pereira were preceded by defensive fumbling. Kenneth Perez says in conversation with FC Groningen captain Azor Matusiwa that he does not understand why every attempt was made to build up.

“I think we lost the match based on the first half. We have been too naive in the build-up, wanted to play football at all costs. I think we can, but today we didn’t make the right choices on the ball. The performance was not good, so we played into their hands. On the basis of the second half, we would have earned more, but the first half we left it ”, Matusiwa begins his analysis in front of the camera of FOX Sports.

Perez and Bruggink do not understand a decision during Twente – Groningen

The rejected goal in the first half caused quite a stir.Read article

“But Azor, do you mean to build that eternal desire? While making mistake upon mistake? You better choose the ball on the striker, to play football from there. It was really annoying to watch ”, Perez answers. “Yes, we have to learn from that”, responds the midfielder and captain of FC Groningen. “Too often we wanted to build. In half time we discussed that we had to alternate long balls and build-up. Now we played into the hands of Twente. They may also punish two personal mistakes. ”

Reporter Cristian Willaert suggests that FC Groningen might have to ‘build up’ from trainer Danny Buijs. “No, it doesn’t have to be from the trainer. It’s about how players feel on the field. At the training we also showed that we can do it. That didn’t work out today, ”Matusiwa replies to that suggestion. Perez does not agree with that statement. “But Azor, at training … That’s against someone who is half-pressing. This is because of the points, here you are really put under pressure. If you see two or three times that it doesn’t work, you as a team or captain have to decide that things have to be done differently. ”

“That’s right, but you lay that foundation on the training. If you don’t do it in practice, you certainly won’t do it in the matches ”, Matusiwa responds to Perez. The analyst wonders whether the midfielder did not feel that it was ‘totally out of the question’. “We didn’t do that well and I feel responsible for that as a captain. We were too predictable, they could defend us too easily. This is a learning moment for us, we will take that with us to next week. ”