Monday, October 12, 2020 at

On Sunday evening, the Netherlands drew 0-0 against Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Nations League. Frank de Boer’s pupils were able to create few chances, especially in the first half, against the number fifty in the FIFA ranking. The Dutch newspapers are unanimous on Monday morning by stating that the players of Orange, but also De Boer, have underperformed. The newspapers write about ‘hideous football’ and claim that the coach is partly responsible for the bad result by not opting for Steven Berghuis in the starting line-up.

“In the Bilino Polje stadium, the game of the team of national coach Frank de Boer – except for the last fifteen minutes – hurt the eyes and the Orange was just as gray as before the arrival of Koeman in February 2018”, writes The Telegraph. “The choice of Frank de Boer for the Netherlands-Mexico for Donyell Malen as right winger instead of Steven Berghuis, who played strongly against the Mexicans, did not help the Dutch national team either. The weakly operating left winger Quincy Promes and Malen were everywhere, except on the outside, and Depay’s replacement Luuk de Jong mostly got in the way.

The weakest player of Orange was in the rear this evening

In the player report, some players are rated with a big fail. Read article

It Algemeen Dagblad Orange found playing ‘abominable, horribly weak’. The newspaper saw that De Boer’s choice to post Berghuis on the couch had turned out wrong. “In the starting line-up of Orange, Quincy Promes (left) and Donyell Malen (right) had both been preferred to Berghuis, who had been the man in shape at Feyenoord for months. De Boer thus opted for two attackers who rarely give a cross, precisely in a team in which head specialist Luuk de Jong played due to the suspension of Memphis Depay. “

“Berghuis was barely on the field, or suddenly there was danger and threat from the wing. Suddenly De Jong was put in position, after more than seventy minutes of viscous and unimaginative football. Of course, a final phase often leads to chances in international matches such as this one. when the spaces become somewhat larger and the favorite opts more emphatically for opportunism. But it was painful for De Boer, the national coach appointed by the KNVB to continue ‘the Koeman line’. De Boer made one specific choice for his first serious international match – and promptly it turned out completely wrong, visible to everyone “, the newspaper concludes.

Hans Kraay junior: ‘You can fill in one that competes against Italy’

Hans Kraay junior already knows which player of Orange is kicking off against Italy anyway.Read article

De Volkskrant sees that De Boer’s ‘knitting’ is back. “It is only not a neat little work that arises, but a mess of constantly falling stitches. It was only when the team of the new national coach flickered the knitting in the corner that football arose that could generate some enthusiasm, with two chances from Frenkie de Jong, a Beautiful header from Luuk de Jong saved by goalkeeper Sehic and a free chance for substitute Ryan Babel, who hit the ball in a typical way: wrong. to put him in reserve. “

“Malen constantly moved in, where it was already busy, just as Promes often did. For example, the center was packed with the defensive Bosnians lurking on the counter-attack, and Luuk de Jong hardly ever got a cross with which he did anything. could “, it sounds. The newspaper concludes that the Orange match was a ‘battle of attrition’. “To watch, that is. The Dutch national team stumbled in Zenica to a performance of fifteen minutes of hideousness and fifteen minutes of comfort.”