Friday, September 25, 2020 at

FC Twente won 3-1 against FC Groningen in their own stadium on Friday evening, but afterwards there is mainly talk about one moment. Václav Cerny seemed to score the opening goal after seventeen minutes of play, but it was rejected because he was millimeters offside. It took almost five minutes for the video referee to make a decision about this and FC Twente coach Ron Jans finds that incomprehensible.

“We’ve seen the lines, we’ve seen the images, you’ve explained it: it’s just a goal. It took 4 minutes and 33 seconds. I don’t understand anything at all, ”says Jans in conversation with FOX Sports. “I just heard Danny Buijs in the background … You are there for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes and 33 seconds. I am in favor of the VAR because more good decisions are made. But this is not possible. ”

Perez and Bruggink do not understand a decision during Twente – Groningen

The rejected goal in the first half caused quite a stir.Read article

“Look, we’ve done enough wrong too. Can I submit a request? Let’s stop this ”, says colleague Danny Buijs of FC Groningen, who simultaneously commented on the mistakes of his team that preceded FC Twente’s first two hits. “Let’s only use the VAR when really necessary and make a decision. We should not wait four to five minutes with everyone in the stadium for a decision. Especially when it turns out afterwards that it might have been the wrong choice again. Then it becomes laughable. ”

“As long as we don’t have to stand there for six minutes. I had gone in a little earlier, so I saw it. Everyone sent it to me. I’m not going to complain, because we won, I scored and assisted. But this is special, right? ”Added Cerny, who scored the goal in question. Referee Sander van der Eijk, however, has a clear explanation for the state of affairs regarding whether or not to reject Cerny’s goal.

The linesman said delay, he waited for flags and threw up his flag when the ball was in goal. The decision on the field remains leading, that’s first. Then the VAR will check whether there is a clear error ”, explains Van der Eijk. “The starting position on the field is always leading. The VAR has the ability to draw two lines, at the extreme point of Cerny and the defender. Those lines meet and we have agreed that then too close to call the VAR does not intervene. ”