Monday, April 12, 2021 at 10:02 AM• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 10:03

Arjen Robben is very happy with the support he has received in recent months. The 37-year-old wing attacker was sidelined for months due to injuries, but giving up in the meantime has never been an option in his opinion. Robben is grateful that so many people, especially supporters of the Pride of the North, are so concerned with his fate. The reward for his hard work followed on Sunday, as he returned to Groningen after six months.

“I have already had quite a few rehabilitation, but this one was perhaps the toughest of my entire career. I had a lot of doubts, but giving up was not an option”, Robben emphasizes in an interview with the Algemeen Dagblad. The routine person himself searches for the reason why he did not throw in the towel prematurely. “Perhaps my top sport mentality.” However, there are more reasons why the former international of the Dutch national team has not yet surrendered his contract in Groningen.

“The support of the people here in Groningen, that also plays a role”, continues the still ambitious Robben. “You do it for the club, the supporters. If you see what kind of letters and e-mail I get … When a grandfather e-mails me that it is his dream to see me play live again with his grandson. the Euroborg, then I almost break. Then I want to continue. Even if you wanted to stop, you simply cannot. ” The big question now is whether Robben is physically able to extend his stay with the number six in the Eredivisie by at least another year.

“If you can give me the guarantee that I will stay fit for a whole year, then I will continue. But the past has shown that you cannot give that guarantee”, the realistic Robben refers to the many injuries in the past. “That remains a difficult factor and makes the choice difficult.” In any case, the winger knows for sure that he will not regain a new muscle injury comeback will make. As far as Robben is concerned, there are limits in that area. “And I don’t want to hurt my family either.”

Despite the euphoria of his return, Robben is realistic enough to know that things could go wrong again soon. That fact also entails the necessary uncertainty. “But I have given everything, for everyone. I can’t do more than that. Of course it has to go a bit well. So let’s put a candle to it that things will continue to go well in the coming weeks.” Robben is now aiming his arrows at playing time against his old employer PSV, Groningen’s opponent in the Philips Stadium on April 24.