Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 9:36 AM

For Ricardo Kishna, a reunion with Ajax is scheduled for Sunday evening with ADO Den Haag. The 26-year-old attacker broke through in professional football in Amsterdam, before making the switch to Lazio in 2015. Kishna admits in an interview with The Telegraph to know that he would have preferred to stay with Ajax almost six years ago.

“At Ajax it all started for me. I broke through there, became champion and was able to play fantastic matches in the Champions League. Of course I also had my problems. But most of all I had a really good time, have always been treated well and had a great relationship with the fans ”, Kishna said. He played a total of 47 games for Ajax, in which he scored 7 goals and 13 assists. He celebrated one championship with the team from Amsterdam before he left for Lazio and returned to ADO via Lille OSC.

“Rome was an experience I wouldn’t have missed for the world. But at that time I would have liked to have stayed with Ajax. The situation did not allow it. That was partly because of others, but also because of me. I dare not say for sure. But maybe I should have done certain things differently ”, says the attacker. He calls the current Ajax ‘unbelievably good’. “Everything is right. There are clear patterns. At the European level, Ajax is now really a serious customer. When I see how the club has grown, the hats are off. ”

Kishna returned this season after struggling with injuries for three years and played twelve games on behalf of ADO for the time being. His knee now feels ‘super good’ again and he notices that he is ‘getting more comfortable on the ball and even stronger physically’. ““ I am now increasingly involved in the game. And I no longer have to think about whether to take action or not, because I have air left. I’m going, I’m going, I’m going and I’m going. Of course things are still going wrong, but I am getting more and more dangerous. ”


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