Saturday, October 10, 2020 at

Oussama Tannane was already of great value to Vitesse last season and he has also started well on behalf of the Arnhem team in the current football year. The 26-year-old attacker is therefore happy that he can now show it in the Eredivisie, in contrast to the 2018/19 season when he wore the FC Utrecht shirt. Tannane was hired by the Domstedelingen from Saint-Étienne that year and does not have any warm memories of his period in the Galgenwaard.

“I came to play football for almost free at that club, that’s where it starts. Really submitted everything I actually earned at Saint-Étienne. And what do you get in return? You are entering a season that is already underway, no preparation, the balls are just not flying in ”, says Tannane, who came into action again for the national team of Morocco on Friday evening for the first time in three years. Football International.

The right winger in Utrecht soon noticed that the public was starting to turn against him: “The supporters became irritated and started to whistle. That goes fast for me. I’ve always had people get annoyed by me easily. My posture alone irritates some, how I walk. ” Tannane calls this ‘the worst that can happen to a player’: “Then they whistle at every ball and you think: I don’t want to play football for you anymore.”

The attacker then turned to trainer Dick Advocaat, who was in control in Utrecht that season: “I went to Advocaat and said that I no longer wanted to play for those people. It was with me boo and with an ideal son-in-law who did everything wrong, there was applause. ” In the meantime, however, there is no longer any anger towards FC Utrecht at Tannane and he now focuses entirely on his performance at Vitesse.


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