Etienne Vaessen saw his team completely overwhelmed on Saturday by Myron Boadu's debut for FC Twente. The RKC Waalwijk goalkeeper received a goal from Boadu within 68 seconds of his entrance. Remarkably enough, Vaessen should have 'just kicked the Twente striker down'.

Vaessen had a chat with Boadu on the field afterwards. “'What do you mean you don't let that second ball go in?', Boadu just said to me. I then said: 'I should have just kicked you down with that goal.' It was fifty/fifty and he comes out of the situation the happiest. It was him or me. He almost trips over the ball.”

RKC came out strong and kept Twente at 1-0 for a long time. However, after Boadu's entrance it was 3-0 within a few minutes. “We give the game away in five minutes. Boadu comes in and we are a bit upset, it seems,” said Vaessen. “I don't know either. Everything also came at his feet.”

Vaessen also sees positive aspects of the match for RKC. “I'm very proud of how we played. It was one of our best games of the season, especially in terms of football.”

“The fighting spirit also did me good, because we sometimes miss that, but not today,” says Vaessen. “We can build on this in terms of intensity. We just have to hit it again next week.”

RKC is fifteenth, a place that means participation in the play-offs for relegation at the end of the season. “In the end it's all about the points,” Vaessen knows. “We just miss too many opportunities. Everyone says: 'RKC can play nice football', but in the end it's all about the points.”

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