Monday, October 9, 2023 at 10:44 am• Lars Capiau • Last update: 10:50

Hugo Borst feels ‘pity’ for Ajax, he writes in his column Algemeen Dagblad. The Ajax players also lost to AZ last Sunday, failing to convert into a win for the seventh match in a row. The Amsterdam team is dangling at the bottom of the rankings in sixteenth place, but Borst, who also takes a hard swipe at Jakov Medic, doesn’t think much of that.

“I know many people who enjoy Ajax’s new status,” Borst begins his argument. He himself does not recognize himself in that image. “This Rotterdammer caught himself before Ajax-AZ with a feeling of compassion. Or should I write: compassion?”

“I really hoped that they would win, that of Ajax. An Eredivisie without a dominant Ajax is not fun at all. It feels like your dog has run away,” writes Borst jokingly. “I feel like sticking pictures of Ajax on lampposts. ‘Lost!’ And then add your telephone number. Hopefully someone will call. ‘I have found Ajax.'”

The columnist highlights one Ajax player in particular. “My gaze got stuck on the central defender Medic. I heard myself claiming in the second half that the Croat can’t handle any typhoid,” Borst judges harshly.

“It would have been better to politely claim that the best man played almost all balls wide and back and, when he dribbled in or passed, it looked laughable or hopeless. Medic cannot defend, he cannot build up, he cannot play football. It is suspicious that this player was bought by Ajax,” the Rotterdammer concluded.

“Where does this end?” Borst wonders. “With relegation? In two weeks, the number 18 (FC Utrecht) will play against the number 16 (Ajax). Many people find that humorous. But is it fun to dance on a grave?”, the analyst concludes questioningly.