Tuesday, 20 July 2021 at 15:35• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 15:45

Henk Fraser will talk to the KNVB on Wednesday about the assistant national coachship at the Dutch national team, reveals The Telegraph Tuesday afternoon based on sources within the football association. Various options will be discussed with the head coach of Sparta Rotterdam, who, if he says ‘yes’ to the KNVB, may only have to report for international matches. However, it cannot be ruled out that Fraser will be employed full-time and in that case there will be talks with Sparta about a lump sum.

Fraser, who is detained at Sparta until mid-2024, will respond to on Tuesday The Telegraph at the wish of the intended new national coach Louis van Gaal to include him in the technical staff. “It’s in the scanning phase. And I think I fit the profile, as a colored trainer. Does that sound strange? Well, everyone knows that I don’t think in those kinds of terms at all. It will be a combination of factors,” says the Sparta coach probably on the Mijnals committee, created by the KNVB to increase diversity within football.

Louis van Gaal wants Henk Fraser as an assistant at the Dutch

Earlier this Tuesday it was announced that the coach of Sparta Rotterdam is seriously in the picture at the KNVB.Read article

The intended new assistant national coach admits that he would like to combine the work at the Dutch with the head coach in Rotterdam. “Yes, that would actually be the ideal picture for me if I were in charge. Regardless of all interests or matters that I could mention. I am really enjoying myself at Sparta. But everything I do now say, it’s my turn to speak for the time being,” Fraser is still somewhat to the point. Henk van Stee, technical director of Sparta, responded earlier this Tuesday to the interest of the KNVB and Van Gaal, the coach of the Rotterdam team.

“It was still in the probing phase”, Van Stee says in conversation with RTV Rijnmond on the first contacts between the KNVB and Sparta. “Louis wanted to know what the options were. He may have approached many more candidates. I don’t know.” Van Stee also immediately added that Fraser feels honored by the approach from Zeist. Van Gaal also has Danny Blind in mind as an assistant. The duo previously worked together at the Dutch, with third place at the 2014 World Cup as the absolute highlight.


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