Friday, April 9, 2021 at 00:10 AM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 00:50

Kjell Scherpen appeared in front of the camera after the disastrous quarter-final against AS Roma (1-2 loss). The Ajax goalkeeper, who made a blatant mistake by firing a sustainable free kick from Lorenzo Pellegrini, did not want to run away from his responsibility. For this he receives compliments from Kenneth Perez, who is surprised about a statement that Scherpen made in the interview with ESPN.

“I’m not running away from it”, Scherpen opens his conversation with Milan van Dongen. “Cunt, but for the rest you have to keep going. I’m even going to that corner too early, because I actually expected him to get there. I had the idea that he was going to shoot in my corner from that distance. Maybe. that I went there a little too early, so that I no longer had my body behind the ball. That is why he came in. Not good in any case, that is simple enough. That is a bit of the fate of a goalkeeper. “

Perez thinks it’s good that Scherpen came for the camera. “And that he tries to express what he feels, without being very theatrical,” said the Dane, who found Pellegrini’s free kick dramatically shot. “If that ball had been shot normally, Scherpen would have had it. Then he would have been where it should have been in time. But I think what he says,” I felt that he was going to get there, so I already went “, I think that quite well. bizarre. Because if he is shot over the wall, then you are really too late. ” Arnold Bruggink puts forward as a defense that Pellegrini’s run-up showed that he would choose Scherpen’s corner. “Pellegrini also takes such a run-up that he could hardly get over the wall,” says Bruggink. “Scherpen cannot gamble, but you can see that he is shooting there.”

Finally, Perez has words of pity for Scherpen. “I feel sorry for him, and also with his parents of course. I can just imagine that you are looking at your son, a young guy. I don’t mind that much for him, because it is just top football, but I can imagine that it is not nice for his parents to see. He finally gets the chance and then you see this. While Dusan Tadic’s blunder is equally great: missing the penalty. A goalkeeper is of course real get fucked when things go wrong. “