Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 9:37 AM• Rian Rosendaal

FC Twente is not the final destination for Manfred Ugalde. The only 21-year-old attacker from Costa Rica is ambitious and hopes to one day wear the shirt of Atlético Madrid. Ugalde, who is contracted to the Grolsch Veste until mid-2027, is a great admirer of Diego Simeone, the Madrid coach for many years.

The young Ugalde must first prove himself in the Eredivisie in order to achieve a top transfer. He recently showed off his calling card against Feyenoord (2-1 win) with a goal and a strong performance. The comparison with Luis Suárez was quickly made, “I think we have a lot in common. We work very hard and are difficult to get rid of the ball.”

“It is a compliment to be compared to such a great player, someone I have often looked at with admiration. But my ambition is not to become the next Luis Suárez,” Ugalde emphasizes in conversation with Football International. “I am mainly concerned with becoming a better version of myself every day. And if I have to name a source of inspiration, it is Sergio Agüero.”

The Twente attacker immediately explains why he is so charmed by the now retired Agüero. “Because of his dribbling, his speed, his shots with the left and right. At the age of sixteen he was already a sensation in Argentina. Later I sat breathless in front of the TV when he shone again at Atlético Madrid or Manchester City. Agüero was my childhood hero. “

Ugalde is ambitious and wants to one day make the step to a top European club and play Champions League football on a regular basis. “One day I hope to play in LaLiga. Preferably at Atlético Madrid. Under Diego Simeone,” the South American striker clearly expresses his ambitions.

The passionate coach of Atlético has been making a big impression on Ugalde for some time. “The way he experiences every match. How he stirs up his people and shouts at them. How he rages along the line. I think that’s fantastic to see. It’s pure passion, I also feel that when I play football.”

“I saw the documentary about Atlético Madrid, wow. Everyone at that club is on fire, every day again. They want to get better with every training session. That’s what we want here too, don’t get me wrong. But the culture at Atlético is extreme. I hope to experience that one day,” concludes the Tukkers’ attack leader. “Simeone recently extended his contract and is now in Madrid until mid-2027.