Friday, April 29, 2022 at 9:29 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 21:34

Hélène Hendriks has received serious threats because of her ties to the regular dinner guests of VI Today. on the talk show HLF8 by SBS 6 tells the presenter that the police have advised her not to respond to the candle incident around Johan Derksen.

The farewell to VI Today is discussed immediately at the opening of the programme. Before Hendriks elaborates on the news, the presenter suddenly makes an announcement. “Perhaps good to indicate in advance: I will not give too much of my opinion about this. That is actually at the behest of the police because there is a strong threat. They urgently advised me to keep a little aloof. Of course I have a reasonable link to VI.”

She will nevertheless give her opinion in the future, but at the moment Hendriks thinks it better to remain silent. “I will really give my opinion once and I will absolutely not be silenced, but I think I have to be sensible sometimes. So here I leave that with you.”

She also indicates that she is not the only one who receives threats. “Which I do want to say, although I am going too far now: Johan is a really good and nice colleague of mine and I will never lose a colleague. That’s not to say I approve of his slip. He has already said enough about that himself, but I want to make that known, “says Hendriks.


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