Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 13:01• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 13:09

Henk Timmer has no doubts at all: Justin Bijlow must be under the bar at the Dutch national team for years to come. The closing post of Feyenoord also started as the first choice of national coach Louis van Gaal in the continuation of the qualifying series on the way to the World Cup in Qatar. However, Bijlow was not fit enough in the decisive game against Norway (2-0 victory) in November. The more experienced Jasper Cillessen replaced him in De Kuip.

Hans Kraay junior wants to join Good morning Eredivisie from ESPNvan Timmer know who should be the goalkeeper of the Dutch in the coming years. “Bijlow”, is the clear answer from the former keeper of, among others, Feyenoord and AZ. “He’s got everything and the future too. He’s good in the air, you like that, I’ve thought about that too. And he’s good with his legs. It’s just a all round goalkeeper and currently the best goalkeeper. He will be the goalkeeper of the Dutch national team for the next ten years,” said Timmer, who himself came to seven international matches in the Dutch.

Henk Timmer thinks Justin Bijlow is the goalkeeper of the future at the Dutch.

“That boy has everything: reactions, personality, high balls, fantastic kick”, Timmer continues his praise of Bijlow. “So I think: put it down and don’t tamper with it anymore.” Marciano Vink then asks what, in Timmer’s view, are Bijlow’s weaknesses. “A weak point, but that’s also a bit of bad luck. He had a small injury three or four times in a row. But I think he all round and I don’t see a weak spot or anything. That is the Dutch national team goalkeeper.”

Kraay junior thinks that Bijlow’s only downside is that he ‘crowds in everywhere’ during matches. “Further from the goal, I think he sometimes misjudges a situation,” Vink adds. “For example with Lois Openda (at the 0-1 of Vitesse against Feyenoord, ed.). Towards the edge of sixteen, that he can still improve there.” In any case, Timmer no longer has any doubts. “I would choose Justin at the moment, and Jasper behind it. Those are two fantastic goalkeepers.” Bijlow, incidentally, has a very difficult time with Feyenoord against AZ on Sunday, which leads 2-0 halfway through two penalty kicks used. In addition, a goal by the home team was canceled due to offside.