Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 5:06 PM• Noel Korteweg

Sven Mislintat ‘does not know at all what Ajax represents’, says Valentijn Driessen in a video item from The Telegraph. During Josip Sutalo’s presentation, the football affairs director of the team from Amsterdam said that the Croat is ‘in every respect the ultimate Ajax defender’, but Driessen absolutely does not accept that.

“Then Mislintat knows nothing about Ajax’s past”, the chief of football responds to the statement of the German policy man of the team from Amsterdam. “The ultimate Ajax defenders are Frank Rijkaard and Matthijs de Ligt, they are real Ajax players in the back. Mislintat does not know at all what Ajax represents. Neither he nor Sutalo know that. They shout these kinds of things and hope to appease the supporters with it.”

That works ‘nicely’, says Driessen. “Since the supporters still see little harm in what is happening at Ajax. They play a draw against Excelsior (2-2, ed.) And only purchases have been made that have not made you happy so far.” The team from Amsterdam has so far spent more than 67 million euros on eight reinforcements this summer. In addition to Sutalo, Carlos Forbs, Chuba Akpom, Benjamin Tahirovic, Diant Ramaj, Anton Gaaei, Jakov Medic and Branco van den Boomen were also brought in.

In addition, the arrival of Gastón Ávila is only a matter of time. Ajax reportedly pays more than 12.5 million euros for the back of Royal Antwerp. “In Amsterdam, the bar is a lot lower than it used to be. Sutalo is a good defender, but to claim that he is the ideal defender, he must also make Jorrel Hato worth tens of millions more and take the rest in tow. I would like to see that with someone who has been in the first team of Croatia eight times and has not progressed further than Dinamo Zagreb, which was eliminated in the preliminary round of the Champions League by AEK Athens.”