Friday, June 10, 2022 at 5:42 PM• Wessel Antes • Last update: 19:03

Nothing will change in the World Cup group of the Dutch in Qatar. Ecuador is allowed to participate in the tournament and so the team of national coach Louis van Gaal will ‘just’ play against that country on November 25 instead of Chile. The Chileans hoped to take over the World Cup ticket through a disciplinary case, but FIFA will not agree, it was announced on Friday.

Chile’s football association filed a case with FIFA alleging that Byron Castillo, a nine-time Ecuadorian international, had not been allowed to play during the World Cup qualifying series. According to the Chileans, Castillo would not be of Ecuadorian descent but a Colombian. Also, Castillo would not have been born in 1998, but 3 years earlier.

When this information was proven correct, all games played in which Castillo was active during the qualifying series, the results were changed to a regulation defeat. In that case, Chile would be number four in the South American qualifying series. That final ranking is sufficient for a World Cup ticket, but it has not come that far. The Chilean hope of yet another participation in Qatar seems to have foundered.

It is possible that an appeal will follow, although this seems unlikely. The the Dutch squad will therefore simply play against Senegal, Ecuador and Qatar in the group stage of the World Cup. The president of Ecuador, Francisco Egas, reacts enthusiastically on Twitter. “We always knew we were right.” Attached is a letter from FIFA stating that the charges against the country have been dismissed.