Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at

Despite the consequences of the corona crisis, Feyenoord closed the 2019/20 financial year with a positive operating result of 500,000 euros, according to the annual figures published by the people of Rotterdam through official channels. On the other hand, however, there is also a loss of 6.7 million euros, as the transfer balance amounted to 8.8 million euros negative due to the absence of an outgoing transfer.

The turnover of Feyenoord increased compared to the financial year 2018/19 from 70.8 million euros to 73.4 million euros, while operating expenses amounted to 72.9 million euros. As a result, Feyenoord records a positive operating result of 500,000 euros. Partly because the result on transfers is 8.8 million euros negative, Feyenoord ultimately records a net result of 6.7 million euros negative. The shareholders’ equity of the Rotterdammers amounted to 18.6 million euros as at 30 June 2020, making Feyenoord the KNVB financial rating system (FRS) one of the financially healthy clubs.

“We deliberately kept the selection together and therefore did not want to say goodbye to our most important and talented players. Modest investments have also been made in talented young players. We hope to achieve sporting success by attracting and retaining them. Which ultimately will lead to more income and higher transfer fees in the coming years, ”explains financial director Pieter Smorenburg on the Feyenoord website.

“We deliberately kept the selection together and therefore did not want to say goodbye to our most important and talented players,” Smorenburg continues. “Modest investments have also been made in talented young players. We hope to achieve sporting success by attracting and retaining them. Which ultimately leads to more income and higher transfer fees in the coming years. ”

Due to the uncertainties surrounding the corona crisis, Smorenburg is cautious about the 2020/21 financial year. “Unfortunately, the future can be predicted even worse than usual these days. But we are a flexible, combative and still healthy organization. By putting all our efforts, including through wage sacrifices of all employees, we are doing everything we can to get through this period as well as possible. ”