Monday, May 3, 2021 at 8:31 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 20:35

The Premier League announced on Monday that English clubs must sign a statement to prevent the Super League or a variant thereof in the future. All football club owners are required to sign a treaty stating that they are expected to adhere to the ‘basic principles’ of the competition. The FA also issued an official statement on Monday, stating that the union will start an investigation into the involvement of the six English teams in the plans for the Super League.

The organization of the Premier League says on the official website that “preparations are being made to prevent plans to set up alternative competitions”. With the regulations yet to be determined, the basic principles of the Premier League must be protected and the competition must ‘remain fair’. “We appeal to the government’s support to enact appropriate legislation to protect the open pyramid of football, the principles of sporting merit and the integrity of the football community,” the statement read.

All Premier League club owners must sign the treaty. In addition, it is indicated that breaking the new rules will be severely punished. “We will work with the fans, the government, UEFA, the FA, EFL, PFA (players ‘union, ed.) And LMA (coaches’ union) to defend the integrity and future prospects of English football,” the organization concluded.

Furthermore, the English association has also indicated that it will take steps against the clubs that wanted to participate in the set-up of the Super League. In a statement on the website, the FA reports that all clubs have been asked to provide relevant information and evidence regarding their participation. “Once we have the required information, we will consider what appropriate measures to take,” the statement read.

“It is clear that what happened was unacceptable and could have caused widespread damage to clubs at every level of English football.” The message is addressed to Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur, all of which have withdrawn after fierce protests against the plans in the country.