Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 7:33 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 19:36

Kathryn Mayorga is demanding damages of no less than 65 million euros from Cristiano Ronaldo in an upcoming lawsuit, according to declassified court documents in the hands of The Mirror. The 37-year-old former model claims to have been raped in Las Vegas in 2009 by the 36-year-old star player from Juventus. In 2010, Mayorga signed a hush agreement with Ronaldo, but the American woman claims to have signed it under pressure and still wants to see millions.

Mayorga claims to have been sexually assaulted by Ronaldo in a hotel room in Palms Place in 2009. The American claims to have been invited by Ronaldo to his hotel room together with a girlfriend after the night out. In the bedroom Ronaldo is said to have asked her to perform sexual acts on him. Mayorga indicated that she only wanted to kiss. Then Ronaldo allegedly raped her anally.

Ronaldo previously stressed in a response that the sex was consensual. “I deny the allegations made against me. Rape is a heinous crime that goes against everything I am and believe in,” he wrote on Twitter in 2019. In 2010, a year after the alleged case, Ronaldo did pay $ 375,000 to the woman: in return, she would never talk about the case again. Mayorga maintained that until 2018, when she spoke about the alleged rape in an interview. An investigation into Ronaldo followed, who was acquitted a year later.

The now announced lawsuit revolves around the 2010 hush agreement. Mayorga now claims to have signed it under pressure, at a time when she was “psychologically insane.” The woman is demanding more than twenty million euros for ‘pain and suffering’ in the past, another twenty million euros for future ‘pain and suffering’ and another twenty million euros in compensation. On top of that are the legal costs, bringing the total claim to 65 million euros.


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