Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 9:39 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 21:53

Evgeniy Levchenko is outraged by FIFA’s decision not to exclude the Russian national football team completely. The former FC Groningen midfielder, who comes from Ukraine, lashes out mercilessly at the world football association on Twitter. “This is absolutely unacceptable,” Levchenko said.

FIFA refuses to completely ban Russia after the invasion of Ukraine. The World Football Association has decided that matches of Russian teams must be played on a neutral ground for the time being, without showing the flag or playing the national anthem. In addition, Russia must start playing its matches under the name Football Union of Russia (RFU). The Polish Football Association has already announced that it does not intend to play against Russia under these circumstances. A crucial match in the World Cup qualifiers between the two countries is scheduled for March.

Levchenko is white-hot over FIFA’s decision. “This is insane,” said the chairman of the players’ union VVCS. “People are dying in Ukraine. And FIFA just lets the Russian regime use the sport for its popularity. Shame on you, FIFA! In this situation, FIFA is just as criminal as the aggressor country. And you don’t have to talk about that sports and politics are separate.”

Earlier in the day, Levchenko also sent a message to the world to ‘all mothers and fathers in Russia’. “Do you not feel sorry for your sons? Most of them do not know where to go and why. You fight for the regime of the tyrant, we fight for our country and peace. Whoever comes to us with a sword will pass through the sword die.”

Levchenko also denounces sportsmen from Russia who do not dare to speak out against the regime of Vladimir Putin. “War. Where are all the Russian athletes who called us Ukrainians brothers? Why are you silent now, while your leader is killing us? How many Russian footballers spoke out against the war? Or is sport separated from politics again?” There are also Russian players who speak out against the war. For example, Fedor Smolov, former Feyenoord striker, posted a black area on Instagram with the text: ‘No to war’. Behind this sentence were images of the flag of Ukraine and a heart. Smolov is a major player in Russia: the 32-year-old striker played 45 times for the national team and wore the captain’s armband in September.


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