Saturday, October 24, 2020 at

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) reported 10,007 positive corona tests on Friday. Breaking the barrier of ten thousand positive corona tests, the third significant increase in a row, is ‘worrisome’, according to Minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health), but no reason to come up with tougher measures. Manager of competition affairs Jan Bluyssen believes that professional football is ready to continue playing with an even stricter package of measures.

The cabinet first wants to await the effects of the package of measures of 13 October. “We need some time now to see if there is a decline. We expect to see this at the earliest at the beginning of next week, ”said Minister De Jonge on Friday after an extra cabinet meeting was added. All competitive sports were stopped when the measures were tightened up earlier this month, but professional football was allowed through by the cabinet. “Even with a total lockdown, the football bubble could continue,” Bluyssen emphasizes on Saturday The Telegraph.

“We can also play without an audience and train under control in a total lockdown. We are really ready for that. We may then limit the entry to the clubs even more by having everyone shower and eat at home, but otherwise everything is there to continue ”, the competition manager emphasizes in the newspaper. Bluyssen states that medical supervision is optimal and that continuous testing ensures that immediate action can be taken. “Because of all these measures, I have no doubt that it is super safe to continue playing football. But that’s not all. In such a situation everyone would have to sit at home even more than is currently the case. ”

“As professional football, we are able to give a large group of people, a group of 4.3 million football fans, something to talk about and have fun with. That is also the function of football. This makes us a small part of perspective and entertainment that is still possible. ” Bluyssen is not shocked by what is currently happening in professional football with the major outbreaks at NAC and AZ, among others. “This is completely in the scenario as we had conceived it this summer. The virus simply cannot be stopped. The clubs are well organized. There is really the sharpness to organize it properly. ”

In order to be able to finish the competitions, significant concessions will have to be made this season. “We had to make concessions to all the normal sporting principles, which we always called out loudest for, in order to ensure that we can continue to play football.” It is a mission within the KNVB to present the bowls of the Eredivisie, Kitchen Champion Division and the Women’s Eredivisie in April or May this season. “Will that be with a normal competition course? If you compare it with other years not, but viewed from the current perspective it is. And that is the maximum achievable. “

The cabinet and experts will meet on Sunday and Monday to put the latest figures into perspective. With regard to a second lockdown, De Jonge emphasizes on Friday that it is a scenario that is on the table. He understands the concerns of people who are asking for stricter measures, but the government seems to really want to wait for the effects of the latest package of measures. “I can imagine the concerns very well, those concerns are ours too. But for additional measures, we will really have to wait for the figures first. ” The cabinet will announce on Monday whether there will be a new press conference on Tuesday.

Voetbalzone is the official media partner of the Kitchen Champion Division

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