Wednesday, 11 August 2021 at 20:31• Mart van Mourik

Johan Derksen is shocked by the threats Steven Berghuis has received. On Wednesday it was announced that the Ajax attacker has filed a report after many serious threats to his family and himself after his spicy transfer. Derksen, who himself has recently been a victim of threats, gives in Heart of the Netherlands to be speechless. However, filing a complaint is pointless, fears the analyst.

“It is degrading”, Derksen says in a response. “I have no words for it. It’s repulsive. All kinds of attic room heroes throw the filthiest things online. But filing a complaint makes no sense. It’s completely hopeless. They have to hire a few men to protect Berghuis. It is crazy for words that an entire family has to live with fear and trembling at home,” said Derksen, who has been protected since the end of July in response to, in his own words, ‘a threat’.

Outgoing Minister of Justice and Security Ferd Grapperhaus was also Heart of the Netherlands asked for a response in response to the news about Berghuis. “It is unacceptable that Berghuis and his family are being threatened. Online intimidation and threats must be tackled vigorously, that is high on my agenda. The police will now investigate, we have to wait and see,” said Grapperhaus.

The Telegraph has the declaration letter that the Berghuis management sent to the police. The the Dutch international states that he has received dozens of shocking threats from people who strongly blame him for his transfer to Ajax. Some of the threats specifically refer to December 19. That is not only the day that it is the attacker’s birthday, but also the day that the Classic between Feyenoord and Ajax in De Kuip is on the program. According to the newspaper, it concerns no fewer than ‘nineteen A4 pages with threats’.


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