Friday, October 9, 2020 at

Partly due to the arrival of Mario Götze and Adrian Fein, Mohamed Ihattaren’s position at PSV does not seem to have improved. Valentijn Driessen and Mike Verweij, reporters from The Telegraph, go deeper into the problematic situation of the attacking midfielder in Eindhoven. In addition, the duo is scrutinizing the recent transfer activities of technical manager John de Jong.

“He just has to get started with himself”, Ajax watcher Verweij concluded on Friday in the podcast of the morning newspaper. “He has to put all frustration aside and train hard to get back to PSV 1. But that will not be easy with all the purchases that PSV has made. And I think that if Ihattaren is fit, is sharp, trains well and doesn’t get a chance yet. Then it might be time to look further. “

Driessen also foresees problems for Ihattaren at PSV regarding a permanent place. “Of course PSV does not get all those midfielders for nothing. If Schmidt had had every confidence in that boy, then he would not have had to get all those midfielders. And they have quite a lot of midfielders. They can almost set up a whole team of midfielders at PSV. I think it is a motion of no confidence. The most important thing with those guys is trust, especially with a player like Ihattaren. He may be a somewhat phlegmatic player, but a year ago it was just a top player who decided the match against Ajax. can’t tell me that he is at a much lower level a year later. “

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“Ihattaren is really of a level that he can handle PSV. But these are very strange signals to a player”, said Driessen, who is immediately completed by Verweij. “It cannot be the case that he has already been given up by Schmidt. And if he is, the club management would have to intervene. This boy was worth forty million euros last year and now he is running for five or ten million in the winter break. euros out the door. That would of course be bizarre. “

Driessen also has serious doubts about a statement by De Jong, who said on Thursday at the presentation of Götze and Fein that ‘the football world has overtaken Ihattaren’. “Bigger nonsense really shouldn’t be sold. Of course that doesn’t make any sense. He was overtaken by international football at PSV in the past year. PSV has him under contract, he is on the training field every day. inability for everything that goes around at PSV. Even more than for Ihattaren. The man has so much talent in his little toe, most PSV players don’t have that in their whole body. moneymaker for PSV only one cash cow, provided you guide him properly. He’s just going to make a lot of money. You have to work with him and not shout this kind of nonsense. “


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