Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at

Bryan Roy has made threats against journalist Chris Klomp via Twitter. The former attacker of Ajax, among others, recently announced via a Twitter message what his thoughts about the freelance reporter’s way of working. Klomp has also received threats from other quarters and Fred Grapperhaus, Minister of Justice, is now also aware of the hate messages that the journalist receives, especially via social media.

“That Chrisje has been wanting to fight me for months”, according to Roy’s message, which was shared as a screenshot by Klomp on Twitter. “He lives in Amsterdam. So stupid! How can you be so stupid Chrisje. Let alone all those stupid followers of yours. I know where you live now. Via DM. We sleep at night, only you don’t.” Roy’s harsh words towards Klomp cause surprise on Twitter. “That’s not good,” writes a user of the social media channel.

Klomp thinks the many threats are the result of his critical attitude towards conspiracy theories surrounding the corona virus. Roy is extensively concerned with the ongoing corona crisis at home and abroad, according to the many messages on his Twitter page. The former Ajax attacker also has political ambitions, because Roy is on the candidate list of the Party for Children’s Interests for the March 2021 elections. “The Bryan Roy who wants to threaten me and commits slander, yes?”, Klomp asks himself. off out loud on Twitter.

At Klomp, a threatening note was once stuck to his front door and a brick thrown through the window. In addition, the journalist reports that he has been threatened with violence, although, according to the reporter, little can be done about it. Klomp was advised by the police that he should ‘move better’. Chris van Dam, who sits in the Lower House on behalf of the CDA, is disgusted by the threats towards journalists. According to him, the special program of the police and the Public Prosecution Service to protect journalists is not working at all. “What progress have we made? He has not been kept informed of any reports that Klomp has made. He had to find out for himself that cases had been dropped. How seriously does the minister take this problem?”

Grapperhaus immediately came up with an answer during the debate. “Freedom of the press is one of the most important pillars of our democratic legal order”, he emphasizes. Grapperhaus further adds that ‘things are not going the way I would like’. The minister cannot say whether the registration of threats to journalists is already in order, as he had announced at an earlier stage.