Thursday, October 1, 2020 at

The analysts of SBS6 have no positive words for Roger Schmidt’s substitution policy in the match between Rosenborg BK and PSV (0-2) on Thursday evening. The coach chose to leave Mohamed Ihattaren on the bench for ninety minutes, while Noni Madueke was allowed to come in in the last minute of injury time. Both decisions can count on little understanding from Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp.

“As a trainer you are of course a huge dick-de-wallpaper if you let someone come in for thirty seconds”, Van der Gijp refers to the late entrance of Noni Madueke, who replaced Eran Zahavi after his goal and assist. If Van der Gijp had been in Madueke’s shoes, he would have refused the change. “It also shows that Schmidt probably didn’t play football.” Derksen agrees. “He certainly didn’t play football. But a change of the audience while there is no one in the stands is also a bit embarrassing.” Schmidt has known a professional career as a football player at several clubs in Germany, but never at the highest level.


Posted by Voetbalzone on Thursday 1 October 2020

Van der Gijp adds that the substitution was not intended to stretch time, as PSV led 0-2 and the match was almost over. “It’s just embarrassing. I would say: brighten up, you idiot. Playing thirty seconds is not something you do to a footballer.” Derksen says he is waiting for a player who dares to say to his trainer: “Have fun.” The analyst is also disappointed that Ihattaren in Norway did not get the chance to show themselves. “When you see who is in the team, I still regret that Ihattaren, because he is two pounds overweight and drives his car a bit fast, is sitting on the bench.”

“You have so many possibilities to get that boy back into his rhythm. He has to get in shape again. If you give him a free role on the right, he will fill that in perfectly. And then he will grow back to his old form. But now you have such a German, such a gymnastics teacher, and they are strict. Everyone is treated exactly the same. But that’s not how it works. ” According to Derksen, a player would ‘rather sit in front of the TV’ than stay on the couch for ninety minutes in a European away game, and Van der Gijp agrees. “I think Ihattaren thinks he can play very well. And for someone who thinks that, it’s terribly frustrating to go to Norway and not play for a minute.”


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