Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 8:05 PM• Jeroen van Poppel • Last update: 20:22

Wilfred Genee has indeed set his sights on leaving Talpa, Dennis Schouten reports in his YouTube show gossip. Schouten confirms the news from media journalist Rob Goossens that Genee wants to go to Viaplay and adds that the presenter is prepared to make a big sacrifice. “If they pay him eight tons, Wilfred will go there from 1 January,” said Schouten.

Genee recently extended his contract with Talpa for another two years and, according to Schouten, earns 1.2 million euros per year. The presenter of Veronica Inside would make a daily talk show from January with his companions Johan Derksen and René van der Gijp. That program, which has not yet been officially confirmed by Talpa, is now in doubt. There is a chance that Genee will join Viaplay, which has acquired the broadcasting rights for the Bundesliga, darts and Formula 1.

“Wilfred has now made contact with Viaplay”, Schouten knows. “Wilfred has approached that boss in the Netherlands himself, he is on the app all the time. Johan has also confirmed that. Wilfred wants to go there, but he wants eight tons. He still has two years of contract, but John de Mol actually wants to also like to get rid of him. He has not yet reached an agreement with Viaplay about the money, but as soon as they pay him eight hundred thousand, he will have the money he wants and he will leave.”

According to Jan Roos, who gossip presents together with Schouten, that means a lot. “So he wants to hand in to be able to leave Talpa,” Roos said. “Then you can imagine how bad that guy is in shit. Because he’s horny for money, or rather: all the fights and problems he’s had are always about money. And he’s going to drop four tons now, to argue to be able to be at VI. Then there is really something going on.”

Previously, Goossens made in RTL Boulevard already reported on Genee’s possible switch to Viaplay. “I notice that Johan is making his mark,” said the media journalist. “Previously, Wilfred was really the boss at Veronica Inside, together with editor-in-chief Jan Hillenius. Now it is Johan, together with that editor-in-chief. Wilfred already has less to say and in my opinion Johan doesn’t mind at all”, concludes Goossens. In RTL Boulevard a response from Genee was quoted: “I’ve learned lately to give the answer ‘no comment’ in some cases. This is one such moment.” When asked whether Goossens’ story could be referred to the realm of fables, he responded: “No comment.”