Saturday, May 15, 2021 at 10:55 PM• Mart van Mourik • Last update: 22:58

Daniel Ek made a bid for Arsenal last week, the Swedish billionaire said via Twitter. However, according to Ek, the director of the London club, Josh Kroenke, has not accepted the offer, because “they do not need the money.” The CEO of Spotify has had takeover plans for some time and, even after the rejection of the offer, hopes that Arsenal will change tack in the future.

“This week I made an offer to Josh Kroenke and their bankers to buy Arsenal. The offer also included the proposal to let supporters become co-owners, to have supporters as representatives on the board and to give supporters a golden share. They replied that they did not need the money. I will remain interested in takeover, should that situation ever change, ”said Ek, who did not announce the amount of his offer.

At the end of last month, the Swede already announced that he was preparing a formal offer for Arsenal and that he was ‘very serious’ about the takeover attempt. He would have the support of former Arsenal players Dennis Bergkamp, ​​Thierry Henry and Patrick Vieira in the takeover. Stan Kroenke, Josh’s father, is still the club’s majority shareholder. The American owns 67 percent of Arsenal’s shares. Arsenal director Josh Kroenke, son of the owner, has also recently announced that the club is not for sale.

Earlier, hundreds of supporters gathered at the Emirates Stadium in London in protest against Kroenke. The American was not well with the supporters and his popularity has deteriorated further due to his role in the plans for the Super League.


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