Sunday, July 18, 2021 at 11:08• Chris Meijer

No less than 5,000 people broke into the European Championship final between Italy and England last Sunday without a match ticket, the report said. Daily Mail based on a UEFA official. Videos posted on social media showed a large crowd storming past security. A spokesman for Wembley and UEFA initially said that no one had entered the stadium without a ticket, but it appears that many more than the allowed 65,000 people have been present at Wembley.

The English Football Association (FA) must give text and explanation to the British Parliament next week about the course of events surrounding the European Championship final. A thorough investigation has been announced into the storming of Wembley, which is estimated to have allowed at least 5,000 people to enter the stadium without tickets. A large number of fans without tickets entered through the disabled entrance or by threatening the staff at the gates. Videos on social media showed how fans with a ticket inside the stadium tried to force the intruders outside.

“According to our demands, supporters should be filtered as early as possible, to separate the people with tickets from fans who come to taste the atmosphere,” the UEFA official said in an interview with the UEFA. Daily Mail. This first line with security was stormed before the European Championship final, about one and a half hours before the start of the European Championship final won by Italy after penalties. “For grand finals, normally five to eight percent of the supporters near the stadium do not have a ticket. They normally look for a place in a cafe, restaurant or fan park before kick-off to watch the match. That has not happened here.”

The stewards were ‘overwhelmed’ by the huge crowd that gathered around Wembley. Authorities estimate that there were 200,000 people around the stadium. “From my position, I saw the crowd quickly swell. You could no longer distinguish the exits and entrances from the part where the people were sitting in the stands. Even in extra time I saw that fans were still coming in through unmanned entrance gates.” Images also showed that there were more fans than seats in the stadium.

It was feared that the chaos surrounding the European Championship final would affect England’s chances of hosting the World Cup with Ireland in 2030. This has, according to the Daily Mail however, no consequences for those plans. Prime Minister Boris Johnson would have a lot of credit with FIFA and UEFA for his role in stopping the Super League. For that reason, England need not fear the long-term consequences. UEFA designated Wembley as the venue for the 2024 Champions League final last week.


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