Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 2:44 PM• Dominic Mostert • Last update: 14:50

Cristiano Ronaldo has spoken out openly for the first time since Juventus was eliminated from the Champions League. In a cryptic message on Instagram, Ronaldo emphasizes the importance of resilience on Saturday afternoon. This week, the international press wrote about the alleged dissatisfaction of the attacker, who has not yet managed to achieve high marks with Juventus in the Champions League.

“More important than the number of times you fall in your life is how fast and how strong you get back up. Real winners never break. Our focus is on the match against Cagliari, the Serie A battle and everything we do this. season, “Ronaldo writes. The second part of his message leaves room for several interpretations. “It is true that the past belongs in museums (I must say!). Fortunately, football has a memory, and so do I.”

“History cannot be swept away. History is written every day through resilience, team spirit, persistence and hard work. Those who do not understand it will never achieve glory and success.” It is unclear whether Ronaldo makes a reference to Real Madrid with his passage about his memory; Friday wrote Marca that Ronaldo and Real Madrid ‘miss each other’ and that he regularly thinks of a return. According to TV program sports journalist Josep Pedrerol El Chiringuito agent Jorge Mendes has already had informal contact with the Royal about a return.

Ronaldo has a contract in Turin until 2022. On Friday, Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane called him a ‘great player’. “We know what he has meant for Real and how we adore him here,” the Frenchman said at a press conference. “He has written history here and he is a fantastic player. But he is now under contract with Juventus and I cannot say much about what the media are writing about him. He is currently a Juventus player, I have to respect that. “

On Saturday afternoon, Juventus trainer Andrea Pirlo also elaborates on Ronaldo. “He is doing well”, Pirlo assured during the press conference before the duel with Cagliari. “It is only natural that he was disappointed after the elimination. He has trained well and can compete against Cagliari tomorrow. It is logical that there are rumors about him after the elimination. He is the most important player in the world together with Lionel Messi. always performed well for us. He has scored more than 90 times for Juventus (92 in total, ed.) and has more than proven his worth. “


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