Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 2:12 PM• Jordi Tomasowa • Last update: 14:16

Romelu Lukaku fined €500,000 by Chelsea for interviewing Sky Italy, as the Italian newspaper knows La Republica. In the controversial interview, the Belgian spoke negatively about the way Thomas Tuchel wanted to play. However, Lukaku seems to be making his comeback within the Chelsea squad in the short term. The striker was left out of the selection on Sunday for the top match against Liverpool (2-2).

Lukaku was not only negative about Tuchel in the interview, but also confessed to being dissatisfied with Chelsea. He also indicated that he would not have returned to Chelsea last summer if Inter had offered him a new contract. These statements now result in a fine of half a million euros. Tuchel did not want to disrupt the preparation for the top match against Liverpool last Sunday and therefore decided to disciplinaryally suspend the attacker.

On Monday night there is said to have been a talk between Tuchel and Lukaku, in which the Chelsea manager made it clear that the striker can return on condition that he apologizes publicly, it reported. The Athletic Tuesday morning. Lukaku was in even further trouble in the run-up to the Liverpool game, when a WhatsApp conversation leaked out with Tim Howard, former teammate at Everton. Howard is currently an analyst with the American television channel NBC. According to a briefed NBC host, Lukaku said that “the situation is hot” and “he can say more after another meeting on Monday.”

Transfer expert Fabrizio Romano confirmed Monday morning that a talk would take place between Lukaku and Chelsea and that the club has no intention of selling the attacker in January. If Lukaku actually apologizes and returns to the selection, he can already take action on Wednesday evening on behalf of the Blues. Chelsea will then take on Tottenham Hotspur in the semi-final of the EFL Cup at home.


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