Friday, August 27, 2021 at 08:04• Daniel Cabot Kerkdijk • Last update: 08:09

The elimination by Vitesse in the preliminary rounds of the Conference League has hit Anderlecht hard. A week after the 3-3 draw in Brussels, Thomas Letsch’s team was 2-1 too strong for Anderlecht on Thursday evening, which is heavily criticized in its own country. “Against Vitesse, people… That’s not even a good team”, former football player Marc Degryse sighs. The last news.

“Incomprehensible. Vitesse started the game with fire in front of a half full stadium, but Anderlecht were apparently unable to cope with that storm. Then you’re either not ready or you’re not good enough. This was a total failure,” emphasized the analyst, who played for Anderlecht and PSV in the past. “Anderlecht lost a lot against Vitesse. Money in the first place. Also extra competitions to help the youngsters grow.”

“But what I think is the worst is that Anderlecht have lost face towards the whole of Europe. Against Vitesse, people… That’s not even a good team.” According to La Dernière Heure, Anderlecht have put themselves in the spotlight. “The club is losing face, and that in the smallest European tournament.” Also The newspapaer is critical. “Adieu. Bye-bye. Auf Wiedersehen. goodbye. We are at the end of August and Anderlecht is already out of Europe. The Purple & White played dramatically and went under.”

“The board may say that this will not lead to a crisis, but RSCA is still shaking. It will be a long season.” Vincent Kompany put his hand into his own bosom after the painful European retreat in GelreDome. “If you look at it as a 180-minute game, then we just have to look at ourselves. Congratulations to Vitesse. There were three good long shots in the two games which statistically very rarely result in a goal, but that’s part of it.” football.”

According to defender Wesley Hoedt, certain agreements were not fulfilled at the opening goal. “There are some new guys, for them those roles and tasks may need to be a little more clear. They still have to take steps in that. But again about that first goal: if you try that 20 times, it will only go in once “, he was referring to Maximilian Wittek’s 1-0. “That was the problem today. They shoot on goal three times and score twice. That was about the same when we played at home against Vitesse.”