Friday, October 9, 2020 at

Lasse Schöne and Genoa are on a collision course. The midfielder ended up on a sidetrack this week when he was not registered for Serie A a day after the close of the transfer market. Now it appears that Schöne also has a few months in salary and bonuses owed from his club. Football International Friday.

Part of the salary arrears relates to last season. Revien Kanhai of Forza Sports Group, the real estate agency Schöne is affiliated with, has taken initial legal action. “We have had our say this week about the entire course of events, but we will not let it pass,” the agent announces. “Lasse is being treated in a scandalous way and since agreements have been violated for a long time, we are taking action.”

“Immediate legal action has now been taken because this goes against all legal safeguards and comparable cases from FIFA and the CAS”, Kanhai explains. “A summons letter has been sent informing the club of the violations of the contract. Because Italian law also plays a role, a summons letter has now been sent to the club and will be used in the coming days to investigate further. . “

In the interview, Kanhai repeats some expressions of dissatisfaction that he also made on Wednesday about Schöne’s situation. In a conversation with the club management at the beginning of last week, the management hinted that the Dane would get the chance to fight in the starting eleven. Genoa general manager, Flavio Ricciardella, is said to have said that he would prefer to see Schöne as a base player. However, the technical director appointed in August, Daniele Faggiano, is said to have his own interests and prefers his own purchases.

The Schöne camp only heard on Wednesday, one day after the closure of the transfer market, that the ex-midfielder of NEC and Ajax was not registered for the Serie A. As a result, he is on the side in the first half of the season. Kanhai believes the club has acted ‘in bad faith’. “If they had done this well in advance, there would still have been time to dissolve the contract or find another club”, the representative indicates.