Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 3:55 PM• Rian Rosendaal • Last update: 16:01

Vaclav Cerny is with FC Twente until the summer of 2025, but it is not said that the Czech wing attacker will actually serve out his contract in Enschede. The winger (25) philosophizes in an interview with Ajax Showtime careful about a possible step abroad. Cerny does not rule out a return to Ajax either, although according to him it is still questionable whether that will ever happen.

“It is certainly my goal to take another step up. I am only 25, so that should also be possible. A return to Ajax? That would be very nice, but after ten years in the Netherlands it also seems nice to me to another country to play football,” Cerny is keeping all options open regarding the summer transfer market. The wing striker went through Ajax’s youth academy, but a serious cruciate ligament injury prevented a definitive breakthrough. In 2019 he left for FC Utrecht, and then signed a contract with Twente.

The pain of the premature departure from Ajax has now disappeared. Because of the various injuries, Cerny himself also knew that breaking through would be a hell of a job. “The level is high and the competition is great, so you have to be realistic. I found my way up again via a different route and I am especially very happy with that. At FC Twente I am in the right place and I am getting I again a high level.” There is no room for regret and resentment with the ambitious attacker. “I am not disappointed that it did not work out at Ajax, because it just had to be the case. For me it is a great motivation to end up at a club of that level in my career.”

Cerny emphasizes in the interview that he is not constantly working on the next step in his career. “I don’t do career planning anymore. Because of those injuries I have learned that something like that makes no sense at all. It is my ambition to play at the highest level, but it has always been that. I want to finish this season well with FC Twente and then I am convinced that doors will open again next summer,” said the flank player, who this season is good for nine goals and six assists in 25 competition matches.